Engineering Site Planning Computer Modeling


Annecy Hall

The concept for this project was to create a functional assisted living facility while maintaining a comfortable living environment for retired clergy with a range of health related care requirements. The product is a 13,000 square foot, twelve bedroom complex with amenities such as a recreation room, oratory, exercise room, nurses station/exam room and guest suite for visiting family and friends. A solarium walkway serves as a community gathering space while connecting Annecy Hall to other buildings located on the site.


All spaces are handicap accessible including double wide hallways and large bathrooms.


1995 Special Merit Award for “Best of Seniors’ Housing” Assisted Living category
National Council on Seniors’ Housing/National Association of Home Builders.

© P.W. Scott Engineering & Architecture, P.C. | 3871 Danbury Road, Brewster, NY 10509 | (845) 278-2110